Monday, October 13, 2014

Meet Hasket Morris, YPB Member

Hasket Morris,
YPB Member
Hasket's heart is purple for his dad, who was diagnosed on April 1, 2014. "His battle has drummed up a community of support I don't think he ever thought was possible. It's giving him lots of additional strength which he so desperately needs and he loves hearing news on the steps we're taking to eradicate the disease."

Hasket  found out about the Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation through a friend who grew up with young professional board member Alyssa Van Denburg. "They told me about the Dash for Detection 5K in the Spring. My dad was thrilled that I did it. That lead to me going on the benefit cruise which he also loved hearing about. There, I was approached and offered young professional board membership. The feeling of knowing we're doing things to keep others from having to experience this has been really wonderful."

Hasket is from Ferrisburgh, VT and currently lives in Chicago's East Lakeview neighborhood. He graduated with a B.A. from Columbia College Chicago. He works as an actor for various companies in the city.

1 comment:

  1. There is hope for the future when the next generation takes up the job of making things better for those in need. Way to go Hasket!
