Monday, November 5, 2012

Meet Edie Lisk, Secretary

Meet Edie Lisk, YPB Secretary 
Meet Edie Lisk, Secretary of the Young Professionals Board. In this position, Edie does a fantastic job of taking meeting minutes and distributing them to the YPB and also keeping the YPB on task with their duties. 

Edie's heart is purple for her mom, Karma Lisk. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on her 58th birthday and passed away 16 days later. "I was fortunate to be by her side during her short battle; although, it was the hardest time of my life to see her go through the extreme pain and suffering. Her battle was too fast. I am passionate about working for early detection in hopes that no one else has to lose a loved one to this awful disease." Edie's favorite memory of her mom is of her smiling and laughing with her family.

Now, for some fun facts about Edie…

Edie's favorite quote is "Everything happens for a reason."

As a child, her dream job was to be a Dateline reporter, a zoologist or a mom. Her career has played out slightly different. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Psychology. She spent two years in the real estate industry and is now a Program Manager in the email marketing world.

Edie currently resides in Chicago's South Loop neighborhood. Her favorite summer activity is beach volleyball and favorite winter activity is staying inside!