Monday, December 17, 2012

Meet Robin Goldberg, YPB Member

Robin Goldberg, our newest YPB member
Robin's heart is purple for her mom, Susan Goldberg. Her mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July 2005 and lost her battle in August 2006. The summer before she passed, my brother and sister were living in New York so my mom, dad and I decided to take a trip to visit them. New York was always one of my mom’s favorite cities; the phrase ‘shop til you drop’ truly defined her. However, this trip was different than any other. She was so weak and so sick that she was barely able to make it out long without having to go back to the hotel to rest. The fun filled weekend we had all planned turned into a depressing touch of reality that made us all angry and irritable. When it was time to head home, my mom, dad and I left for the airport, beaten down by the outcome of the weekend. When we got to the airport, our flight had been cancelled. Instead of staying at the airport hoping to get on a later flight, we decided it would be best for my mom if we just booked a flight the following day. With one more day to spend in NY we decided to do what all good tourists do and go to Bloomingdales. The store was near closing, but we still had a few minutes to shop around. Riding up the elevator my mom looked at herself in the mirror and started to cry. The reality of her sickness had hit and she hated the toll it had taken on her looks. At that moment we decided it would be a great idea if she got a makeover. Although the store was supposed to close soon, the nice woman at the makeup counter decided to help us anyway. An hour later, the women handed my mom a mirror and everything changed. She was a new woman; there was a glow in her face and a sparkle in her eye that we had not seen since before her diagnosis. Throughout her entire sickness we never saw her look this happy. At this moment her whole demeanor changed, she was happy, confident and full of energy. With this newfound energy, we decided to give the weekend one more try and go out to a nice dinner. The weekend that had started out miserable had finally changed. For that one night we had forgotten about her sickness and were all happy. We left that night with a little bit of hope and a feeling that everything was going to be OK. This was the last time the five of us would ever spend together, but it is a night that I will never forget.

Now, for some fun facts about Robin…

While living in Atlanta, she was a kickboxing instructor. 

Robin describes herself as enthusiastic!

Robin is a Brand Manager, Experienced-Based Marketing and currently resides in Chicago's River North neighborhood. She went to the University of Arizona and is originally from Birmingham, AL.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Meet Edie Lisk, Secretary

Meet Edie Lisk, YPB Secretary 
Meet Edie Lisk, Secretary of the Young Professionals Board. In this position, Edie does a fantastic job of taking meeting minutes and distributing them to the YPB and also keeping the YPB on task with their duties. 

Edie's heart is purple for her mom, Karma Lisk. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on her 58th birthday and passed away 16 days later. "I was fortunate to be by her side during her short battle; although, it was the hardest time of my life to see her go through the extreme pain and suffering. Her battle was too fast. I am passionate about working for early detection in hopes that no one else has to lose a loved one to this awful disease." Edie's favorite memory of her mom is of her smiling and laughing with her family.

Now, for some fun facts about Edie…

Edie's favorite quote is "Everything happens for a reason."

As a child, her dream job was to be a Dateline reporter, a zoologist or a mom. Her career has played out slightly different. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Psychology. She spent two years in the real estate industry and is now a Program Manager in the email marketing world.

Edie currently resides in Chicago's South Loop neighborhood. Her favorite summer activity is beach volleyball and favorite winter activity is staying inside!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Meet Roslyn Turner, VP of Events and Marketing

Roslyn Turner, VP of Events and Marketing
Meet Roslyn Turner, VP of Events and Marketing of the Young Professionals Board. In this position, Roslyn is responsible for researching venues, coordinating event logistics and decor, and leading promotional efforts.

Roslyn's heart is purple for her mom and dad, Betty & Sol Turner, who bought fought courageous battles against pancreatic cancer. Throughout their battles, they taught Roslyn to live life to its fullest each day no matter what! A special memory is that every year for Roslyn's birthday, her mom would fill the entire kitchen with balloons before she woke up. Her mom was fighting her battle with pancreatic cancer during Roslyn's 20th birthday, so she didn’t expect balloons, but lo and behold, when Roslyn got home from work, her mom greeted her with a handful of balloons! "I was told that she was determined to have them there no matter how she felt or how long it took her. Her determination and love had never been more apparent and will be something I will never forget!" Roslyn said.

Now, for some fun facts about Roslyn…

Roslyn's hobby: scrapbooking. "As much as I don’t get to do it often I love scrapbooking!" she said.

As a child, Roslyn wanted to be a Disney Princess and a lawyer.

Roslyn is a marketing pro and currently lives in Chicago's River North neighborhood. She attended Lake Forest College and grew up in Highland Park, Il.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Meet Mike Navin, Liaison to the Senior Board

Mike Navin, Liaison to the Senior Board
Meet Mike Navin, Liaison to the Senior Board of the Young Professionals Board. As the liaison, Mike is responsible for attending senior board meetings and bringing news from the senior board to the junior board and vice versa.

Mike's heart is purple for his father, Patrick Navin, who passed away of pancreatic cancer in 1993 while he was still in college. His father never showed the pain of his disease. "Even radiation treatments did not stop him from living his life and enjoying his favorite things like spending time with his family, practicing law and playing golf," Mike said. 

Now, for some fun facts about Mike…

Mike's favorite sports team is the Chicago White Sox.

His favorite hobby is playing golf. "I am an avid golfer. My father taught me how to play and we both shared the love of the game."

Mike's mother inspires him. "She handled my father’s disease with love, grace and compassion. She fought through the tough times never thinking of herself but only what was best for her husband and her children."

As a child, Mike wanted to be a business owner.

His favorite summer activity is golfing.

Mike is the President of Cresent Cleaning Company and currently lives in Chicago's Lakeview/Roscoe Village neighborhood. He attended college at Loyola Chicago and grew up in Clarendon Hills, Il.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Heather Rosenberg's Purple Heart

VP of Operations Heather Rosenberg's heart is purple for her father, David Rosenberg, who lived for 10 months after diagnosis. Heather is a true daddy's girl.

David Rosenberg

A recent photo of Heather and her father
Heather and her dad back in the day

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Bet On A Cure" at Casino Night, Sept. 22

This weekend marks the 8th annual Michael Rolfe Foundation Casino Night, “Bet On A Cure.”  We are all very excited as this event is always a highlight of the year. As we look forward to this Saturday night and the wonderful food, games and prizes, we also need to remember the motivation behind this event and the tremendous impact it has on the beneficiaries of the proceeds. 

All proceeds of the event will go towards early detection of pancreatic cancer and support services for patients and their families. Since 2000, the Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation has provided crucial support to Johns Hopkins Medical Center and the Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection Laboratory. Johns Hopkins experts are global leaders in the research and treatment of pancreatic cancer. No other medical center in the world treats as many pancreatic cancer patients or performs more whipple procedures (the most aggressive and effective form of treatment). We are also proud to support Northwestern Memorial Hospital and other institutions that provide an array of services specifically for pancreatic cancer patients and their families.

The Federal Government continues to cut funding of pancreatic cancer research efforts significantly despite promising developments in pancreatic cancer research. This is why now more than ever, the Michael Rolfe Foundation Young Professionals Board is seeking to develop new partnerships, expand our membership and plan new and exciting events. Please continue to check our Facebook page to learn more about our board members, upcoming events and the progress of the foundation.

Young Professionals Tickets to Casino Night can be purchased by calling 312-726-7766. We hope to see you Saturday night, Sept. 22, at Chicago Cultural Center for an unforgettable evening in support of a wonderful cause.

- Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Young Professionals Board

Monday, September 17, 2012

Meet Heather Rosenberg, Vice President of Operations

Heather Rosenberg, Vice President of Operations

Meet Heather Rosenberg, Vice President of Operations of the Young Professionals Board. As Vice President of Operations, Heather supports the president's efforts, facilitates new member outreach, ensures that other board members stay on task and hosts our monthly meetings. 

Heather's heart is purple for her dad, David Rosenberg. "He was my rock, my look alike, my biggest fan, and my favorite person in the whole world. My dad passed away in my arms on my 24th birthday after a 10-month battle with pancreatic cancer."

Now, for some fun facts about Heather…

Her favorite quote: “It doesn’t matter what happens, it matters how you handle what happens.” –David Rosenberg

Heather's fellow Michael Rolfe Young Professional Board Members inspire her. "Your stories are inspirational and your fight is selfless," she said.

Her favorite summer activity is basking in the sun in South Haven, Michigan.

Heather practices family law at Beermann Pritikin Mirabelli Swerdlove LLP and currently lives in Chicago's West Loop neighborhood. She went to undergrad at Penn State University and received her law degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law. Heather grew up in Vernon Hills, Il.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Alarming Facts about Pancreatic Cancer

Did you know that an estimated 44,030 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the U.S. annually? How about the fact that pancreatic cancer is the 10th most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States?

In the past, pancreatic cancer has not had as much publicity as cancers such as breast and prostate cancer. However, more light has been shed on this horrible disease with celebrities such as Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze and Sally Ride who have suffered from the cancer. Here are a number of facts/statistics that will come as a surprise to most of you:

* Pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm originating from transformed cells arising in tissues forming the pancreas.

* Pancreatic cancer typically spreads rapidly and is seldom detected in its early stages. Signs and symptoms may not appear until pancreatic cancer is quite advanced and surgical removal isn't possible.

* 95% of cases are due to pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

* Pancreatic cancer is the fourth deadliest cancer.

* The cancer claims the lives of 75% of those diagnosed within year one, and 96% of those diagnosed within five years.

* The average life expectancy after diagnosis with metastatic disease is just three to six months.

* 90% of people suffering from pancreatic cancer are 55 years of age and older.

* The National Cancer Institute (NCI) spent an estimated $97.1 million on pancreatic cancer research in 2010. What’s crazy is that this represented a mere 2% of the NCI's approximate $5 billion cancer research budget for that year.

On a happier note, there have been multiple exciting breakthroughs that could eventually lead to early detection for pancreatic cancer. For instance, a 15-year old named Jack Andraka made headlines recently for developing a urine and blood test that can detect pancreatic cancer with 90 percent accuracy. We look forward to seeing what the future holds in scientific research, and we hope that one day no one will have to suffer from this terrible disease.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Meet Maggie Brophy, Treasurer

Maggie Brophy, Treasurer
Meet Maggie Brophy, treasurer of the Young Professionals Board. As treasurer, Maggie crunches numbers to ensure that our events and other activities are within budget and keeps track of donations.

Maggie's heart is purple for her mother, Lori Brophy. She is an 11 year pancreatic cancer survivor! She was diagnosed in 2001 and is still going strong. "I want to share her incredible story to show that there is hope through early detection and my mother is living proof," Maggie said.

Now, for some fun facts about Maggie…

Maggie has many favorite restaurants in Chicago, but her top two are Gilt Bar and the Hop Leaf.

Maggie's mother inspires her. "Her bravery in fighting this horrible disease with grace and immeasurable fortitude is a constant reminder of the kind of person I would like to be," she said.

As a child, Maggie wanted to be an artist when she grew up.

Frequenting street festivals and drinking margaritas (preferably at the same time) are her favorite summer activities.

Maggie's favorite winter activity is any activity that involves leaving Chicago for better weather.

Maggie is an analyst at Jones Lang Lasalle and currently lives in Chicago's River North neighborhood. She graduated from Loyola Marymount University and is from Phoenix, Ariz.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sushi and Sake was a success!

On Wednesday, the Young Professionals Board hosted its first Meet and Greet of the year, and it was a huge success! Our VP, Heather Rosenberg, deserves props for coming up with the idea AND the venue. We wanted to do something unique and something that people would be excited to attend, so we chose sushi and sake as the theme. The vibe of the event was a classy happy hour, with passed hors d'oeuvres and a sushi and noodle buffet. The evening was filled with delicious food from Anna’s Bistro & Sushi Bar – it seemed the favorite was the tasty stuffed avocado with spicy tuna (you have to go and try it!). The event featured a sake tasting with a representative from TY KU Sake & Spirits. We also had a stocked bar thanks to member, Michele Burnett. Highlights of the night include a great speech from our President, Gordon Rosen, a drawing for Casino Night tickets and a 50/50 raffle.

President Gordon Rosen gives a heartfelt speech.

The Casino Night raffle winner proudly shows off her ticket with YPB member Blair Sterling.

The 50/50 Raffle winner won $188!

Did we mention the event sold out?! Our tickets went on sale on July 27, and we were ecstatic when we reached our goal to sell out the week of the event. We are happy to announce that we raised over $1,400 that will go towards our mission of early detection of pancreatic cancer. We want to extend a special shout out to the members of Heeling with Every Step and the JEH Foundation who were able to be in attendance. We really appreciate the support of other local pancreatic cancer foundations.


We are grateful for everyone that was able to attend and help with sponsorship. This event could not have been possible without their support and generosity.

Thank you to Anna’s Bistro & Sushi Bar for the venue and food (Anna was so great to work with and very accommodating).

Thank you to TY KU Premium Sake & Spirits for facilitating our inebriation this evening.

Thank you to Michele Burnett with Bull & Bear/Public House for providing all of the beer, wine and liquor.

Thank you to Jordan and Scott, our wonderful bartenders who donated their time and tips.

Thank you to all of the Rolfe YPB executive members who poured a ton of time and energy into making this event a success.

Last but not least, thank you to all of the attendees - we hope to see you in the near future!

If you are not a current member, we would love for you to get involved in any way you can. As a YP member you can join our committee for fundraising, event planning, business development, social media, etc. Feel free to drop by for our monthly meetings, and please share our organization with your friends, family, coworkers. We have many resources when it comes to pancreatic cancer research and support so please use us. We would love for each of you and anyone you know to become involved with the Rolfe YPB.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Meet Gordon Rosen, President

Gordon Rosen, President
Meet Gordon Rosen, president of the Young Professionals Board. As president, Gordon oversees board member responsibilities, runs monthly meetings and ensures they are productive, communicates and shares information with the senior board, and much more.

Gordon’s heart is purple for his grandmother, Sylvia, whom he only had the pleasure of knowing for the first two years of his life. Gordon has come to learn that she lived life to its fullest and was absolutely adored by her family and friends. “I try to live each day of my life just as my grandma did,” he said. 

His heart is also purple for his girlfriend and co-board member Heather’s father, David Rosenberg. Gordon feels fortunate to have known David before he passed away, although it was for only 10 months. “Heather and David’s relationship took ‘daddy’s girl’ to a whole new level. They adored each other and were the rock in each other’s lives. While he is no longer physically in our presence, his legacy lives on through his little girl each and every day,” Gordon said.

Now, for some fun facts about Gordon…

His favorite quote is “live everyday like it’s your last.”

Gordon is an avid St. Louis Cardinals and Texas Longhorns fan.

Out of the thousands of restaurants in Chicago, Gordon finds himself at Butterfly Sushi more than anywhere else.

“I am inspired by each of you in my life who gives me the motivation to leave this world a better place than it was the day I was born,” Gordon said when asked what inspires him. 

As a child, Gordon wanted to be a doctor when he grew up.
Warm weather vacations are his favorite winter activity. 

Kind is the one word that describes Gordon best.

Gordon is an office technology consultant and currently lives in the Greek Town neighborhood in Chicago. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and originally hails from Chesterfield, Mo., a suburb of St. Louis.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sushi and Sake Night, August 22

The Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Young Professionals Board presents SUSHI & SAKE!

We really hope you can join us for an evening of food, drinks and good company. Come meet the new Rolfe Young Professionals Board, taste tantalizing imported sake provided by TY KU premium sake and dine on a delectable array of sushi and favorite Asian dishes, all while supporting early detection pancreatic cancer awareness and research.

Date: Wednesday, August 22
Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Place: Anna's Sushi & Asian Bistro, 813 West Lake Street, Chicago, 60607
Cost: Tickets are $45 in advance or $55 at the door

As a token of our appreciation for your support, the first 25 attendees to arrive will be entered into a raffle for two tickets to The Rolfe Foundation annual Casino Night worth $500- or purchase raffle tickets at the event to win other great prizes.

Register HERE!


Thank you for your support!